Element | Description | Default | Type | Mandatory |
invnumber | Unique key identifying the invoice | TEXT | Yes | |
ordnumber | Order number | TEXT | ||
status | OPEN, PAID, OVERDUE | OPEN | ||
currency | Three character currency code | CHF | TEXT(3) | |
ap_accno | Accounts receivable account number | 2000 | TEXT | |
transdate | Invoice date | DATE | Yes | |
duedate | DATE | |||
description | Invoice title | TEXT | ||
notes | TEXT | |||
intnotes | Internal notes usually not printed on the invoice | TEXT | ||
taxincluded | Prices included taxes or not | BOOLEAN | Yes | |
department | Name of the department | Text | ||
vendor | vendor entity | Yes | ||
parts | List of part elements describing the invoice positions | part | Yes |
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